Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Post#2 Status

I have belong to many communities in our life , then I think my status depends on communities because how I belong to theses communities.

In my neighborhood, I do not think there is my status because we do not talk too much. In addition, in my family, my status is low because I have a mother and a father and a older brother, so actually I am youngest brother. I am not any responsible for anything. Also I do not live with together. However, if we live together, my status would be same place because of back ground and situation.

However, I belong to many communities, then sometimes I have to organize a group and am responsible for taking care of others because my experience and career that people want to depend.

Each community is not a same group that people come from different situation and back ground. I aspire to status in my communities because I understand my position.

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